
Arkansas History

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Saved by Margaret Herrick
on February 21, 2012 at 12:57:41 pm






For all things Arkansas -- Check out the following sites 


The Arkansas History HUBa one stop shop for AR history resources, lesson plans, links, workshops, grants, and much more.  A short video at http://player.vimeo.com/video/27878665?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=1 will introduce you to the Hub.


TheButler Center for Arkansas Studies



David and Barbara Pryor Center for Arkansas Oral and Visual History 



Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site -

provides ADE approved workshops throughout the year. For a complete list of teacher resources including professional development opportunities, curriculum materials, speakers, and more, go to the Teacher’s page or contact the education specialist, Kimble Talley at (501) 396-3000.



The Arkansas Secretary of State’s office provides many free educational resources for both teachers and students.


A visit to the governor’s mansion is virtually a click away!
Free educational materials are available for the NEW virtual tour of the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion. You will find lesson plans, crossword puzzles, word searches, vocabulary building activities, coloring sheets, art activities, social studies lessons and more!



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